Can i organize the game as a surprise?

Yes that is possible. It is possible to have the players complete the questionnaire without them knowing which game they are going to play. The questionnaire makes no reference to the game, and the players do not receive an email.

On the other hand, the questionnaire is hosted on If a player wants, he can read about our games and get a hint about what they are going to do. If you also want to prevent this, take the following steps.

  • Reserve the game as you normally would.
  • You will receive a link to the questionnaire. Normally you would share that link with the players. Don’t send that link to the players, but send the players an email containing the questions from the questionnaire. (View the questions)
  • Ask the players to send their answers in a reply to you as the game leader.
  • Copy the answers from the emails to the questionnaire. Do this for all players.
  • We can also take over this process for you at an additional cost. Please contact us for a quote.