Frequently Asked Questions


You can reserve the game in here.

It is not possible to reserve the game by telephone or e-mail, because otherwise a number of automated processes will not be initiated. For example, you will receive a personalized link for the questionnaire immediately after booking.

You can reserve the game in here.

It is not possible to reserve the game by telephone or e-mail, because otherwise a number of automated processes will not be initiated. For example, you will receive a personalized link for the questionnaire immediately after booking.

If the date is 3 days in the future (so not today, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow), then it is possible. We need at least 3 days to make the game.

The game is best played with a group of between 6 and 50 players.

In principle, the maximum number of players is unlimited, but we advise you to split the group into groups of up to 50 people. In larger groups it is very difficult to give the right answers.

If you have a group of more than 50 people, it is best to create 2 or more groups that play the game separately from each other. Please note: the players must then already know in advance which group they are in, because they must complete a questionnaire that is specific to the game they are going to play.

For a group of more than 50 people, always contact us first.

A smaller group than 6 people is possible, but less fun. It will be too easy to answers the questions. We therefore recommend a minimum of 6 players.

You can decide for yourself what the teams look like and how many people they consist of. However, we advise not to make the teams too large. Let them preferably consist of 2 or 3 people. That works best from a practical point of view. In teams with larger numbers of people, it is difficult to properly follow the game all around a small screen.

The chance that this is possible is very high. In principle, the game can be played at any location. Both in a big city and a small village. In the middle of the forest, meadow or in the dunes. In principle, everything is possible.

Please note the following conditions:

  • The location is outdoors and GPS reception is possible. (So not in an indoor shopping mall or the subway).
  • A mobile internet connection is possible at the location.
  • It is possible to walk at least 3 to 4 kilometers from the location. (It is not a condition, but of course it is nice if this is not one long straight road)

In principle, the game can be played at any location. Both in a big city and a small village. In the middle of the forest, meadow or in the dunes. In principle, everything is possible.

Please note the following conditions:

  • The location is outdoors and GPS reception is possible. (So not in an indoor shopping mall or the subway).
  • A mobile internet connection is possible at the location.
  • It is possible to walk at least 3 to 4 kilometers from the location. (It is not a condition, but of course it is nice if this is not one long straight road)

Yes, that’s probably not a problem. There is only one condition, the new date must not take place within 3 days from today.

There is no charge for changing the date or time. You can send us an email or give us a call to inform us of the new date.

No, the total game time remains the same if you start later. Please remember that it is important to inform us of the new start time, so that we can ensure that we are available by phone when you are playing the game.

Yes, in that case the team that starts later will have a disadvantage, since they have less time then the other teams. They can still participate, but just have less time to play.

That depends on what “last minute” is. We need 3 days to make the game. You can let us know the final number of players up to 3 days before the start date.

If you don’t know the exact number of players at the time of booking, you can make an estimate. If the actual number of players differs from your estimate, you will receive an adjusted invoice after the game.

Do you expect fewer players due to last-minute changes? That’s no problem. As long as you have more than 6 players, you can play the game. Call us or send us an email if you want to receive a new invoice for a reduced number of players.

Do you expect fewer players due to last-minute changes? That’s no problem. As long as you have more than 6 players, you can play the game. Call us or send us an email if you want to receive a new invoice for a reduced number of players.

Yes, no problem! You can indicate during the reservation that the language in the game should be English.

You can indicate during the reservation that the language in the game should be Dutch or English. It is also possible to play the game in another language, but it will take us more time to make the game. In that case, please contact us first to discuss the possibilities.

The chance that this is possible is very high. In principle, any indoor location can be used, as long as you fit all the players in there.

Make sure there are 9 places where you can hide a QR code the size of an A4. Think of the underside of a table or chair, the back of a door, etc.

The more the teams really have to look for the QR codes, the more fun it becomes. In this sense, a large location offers more possibilities! A group will be able to scan a code without another team immediately seeing it.

You can reserve the game in here.

It is not possible to reserve the game by telephone or e-mail, because otherwise a number of automated processes will not be initiated. For example, you will receive a personalized link for the questionnaire immediately after booking.

Payment and price

You can calculate the exact costs for your group here.

You can calculate the exact costs for your group here.

You will receive an invoice after booking. Please pay the invoice within 7 days.

Yes, you will automatically receive an invoice after booking. Please pay the invoice within 7 days.

You can make a price calculation online before making a reservation. Do you really need an official quote? Send us an email or give us a call. Then we will send you a quote including VAT number, VAT amount, Chamber of Commerce number and everything you probably need to approve the quote.

Do you work in a volunteer organization, a foundation (with ANBI status), in healthcare or in education? Then we can give you a discount. In that case, please contact us to discuss the possibilities.

No, there is no charge for changing the date or time. You can send us an email or give us a call to inform us of the new date.

It probably won’t be a problem to schedule a new date or time for the game. There is only one condition, the new date must not take place within 3 days from today.

You will receive an invoice after booking. You can pay the invoice via bank transfer, iDeal, Bancontact, Giropay and all mayor credit cards.

If we have not yet started making the game, you can cancel free of charge. If we have already started, it is only possible to schedule a new date / time for the game free of charge. The only condition we impose is that the content of the game does not have to be changed by us. In practice, colleagues leave and new colleagues join. If you want to reopen the questionnaire to new colleagues and possibly delete answers from old colleagues, you can do so. We then charge an additional 25% of the total price.

Yes. We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

We will contact you after the game to see if everything went well. We hope everyone is satisfied. In that case we would love to receive a positive review!

If you are not 100% satisfied, we will send you a refund.

Yes that is possible. You can send us an email or give us a call to discuss the possibilities.


All players fill in a questionnaire beforehand. Based on the answers, we create a personalized game.

After booking the game you will receive an email with a personalized link to the questionnaire. Anyone who uses this link to complete the survey will be included in the game as a player.

Completing the questionnaire takes approximately 10 minutes.

The questionnaire must be completed at least 3 days before the game starts. We need the 3 days after that to make the game for you.

After booking the game you will receive an email with a personalized link to the questionnaire. Anyone who uses this link to complete the survey will be included in the game as a player.

In the same e-mail there is a link with which you can see who has completed the questionnaire. We ask you to agree to the completed questionnaires via this link no later than 3 days before the game starts. (You only see who entered the list and not what the players entered.)

A player will then receive a message that it is no longer possible to complete the questionnaire. The player can still play the game. The only thing missing are his/her answers.

It is possible to adjust the questionnaire, but this will incur additional costs. If you are interested in this, please contact us. Then we make a tailor-made offer.

It is possible to modify the game, but this will incur additional costs. If you are interested in this, please contact us. Then we make a tailor-made offer.

Yes. All questions are mandatory. If someone really doesn’t know what to answer, they can also fill in something like “I don’t know”.

The questionnaire consists of the following questions:

  • Who is the most famous person you have ever met? Describe how you met him/her.
  • Which TV show do you think you could win?
  • Are you a folder or a stuffer? In the way of: what do you do with your toilet paper. Do you fold it neatly or do you make a ball of it?
  • When was the last time you did something new? What did you do then?
  • Is it chips or fries?
  • Looking back, what was your biggest fear as a child?
  • Is the glass half full, or half empty?
  • Who has inspired you most in your life?
  • What would you rather do? Participate in the Olympics or direct a movie that gets nominated for an Oscar.
  • You have 20 minutes before zombies attack. What would you do?
  • Have you ever cheated on a test?
  • How old are you?
  • How old do you feel?
  • Is there alien life in the universe?

You have make the teams yourself. You can do this in advance or have the players form teams on the spot. In the latter case, it is good to schedule a few minutes before the game so that players have time to make teams.

Each player must bring the following items with him during the game:

  • A smartphone with a full battery and sufficient data. The app requires an internet connection to function properly. This way teams can chat with each other, see each other’s location and try to thwart each other.
  • We use the Loquiz app for the game. Install the app before the game starts.
  • Optionally a power bank to charge the smartphone during the game
  • Good walking boots

Not everyone actually needs a smartphone. One smartphone is required per team. However, it is useful if everyone has a smartphone, so that if one smartphone fails, the team can continue with another smartphone.

See also: What should I do if my battery runs out while playing the game?

One smartphone is required per team. However, it is useful if everyone has a smartphone, so that if one smartphone fails, the team can continue with another smartphone.

The game is played with the Loquiz app. You can download this app for free in the Appstore and Playstore. Players will receive the link to the app after the game master has agreed to start building the game. This will be no later than 3 days before the start date.

Would you like to preview the app now? Download the Loquiz app via the links below.



Note: You need a username and password to use the app. So you can’t do much if you download the app without ordering the game.

The game master will receive an email with all practical information after he/she has given approval to build the game. The email also contains the link where the app can be downloaded.

The game master can decide at what time he/she wants to forward the email with practical information to the players. It is advisable to do this well in advance, so that players can download the app in advance.

Also read: who should download the app?

Make sure one person from each team starts the Loquiz app. (So not all players, just one!) This person can start the game as follows:

  • Give permission for the app to use GPS and send push notifications. If you do not give permission, the app will not work and you will not be able to play the game.
  • Log in with the username and password you receive from the game master.

The username and password will only work 24 hours prior to the game. If you log in earlier, you will receive an error message.

  • Click “Ok”, choose a team name and fill in the team members
  • All teams must wait for the game leader to start the game.

The game leader receives an activation code by email, with which the game can be started.

One smartphone is required per team on which the app is installed. However, it is useful if several people in the team have the app on their smartphone, so that if one smartphone fails, the team can continue with another smartphone.

Yes that is possible. It is possible to have the players complete the questionnaire without them knowing which game they are going to play. The questionnaire makes no reference to the game, and the players do not receive an email.

On the other hand, the questionnaire is hosted on If a player wants, he can read about our games and get a hint about what they are going to do. If you also want to prevent this, take the following steps.

  • Reserve the game as you normally would.
  • You will receive a link to the questionnaire. Normally you would share that link with the players. Don’t send that link to the players, but send the players an email containing the questions from the questionnaire. (View the questions)
  • Ask the players to send their answers in a reply to you as the game leader.
  • Copy the answers from the emails to the questionnaire. Do this for all players.
  • We can also take over this process for you at an additional cost. Please contact us for a quote.

In principle, any indoor location can be used, as long as you fit all the players in there.

Make sure there are 9 places where you can hide a QR code the size of an A4. Think of the underside of a table or chair, the back of a door, etc.

The more the teams really have to look for the QR codes, the more fun it becomes. In this sense, a large location offers more possibilities! A group will be able to scan a code without another team immediately seeing it.

Below are the questions per theme that appear in the questionnaire. If you would like to ask other questions, please contact us.

Theme: Climate change/sustainability

  1. Do you believe in climate change?
  2. What choice do you make to ensure that less clothing is made in the world?
  3. What are you concerned about when it comes to climate change in the future?
  4. Is your shoe coming off?
  5. What have you done / do you want to do to make your holiday more environmentally friendly?
  6. How long do you shower on average each time?
  7. Would you eat less meat if it were better for the climate?
  8. Have you ever participated in a protest or activist action focused on climate change?
  9. Have you recently changed anything in your life to help the environment?
  10. Give one example of what your school can do to be more sustainable?

Theme: Peace / conflict

  1. Have you ever had a conflict that got completely out of hand? If so, please tell.
  2. Are you afraid that war will break out in your country, and why?
  3. Do you think the Netherlands should help in the war against Ukraine?
  4. Have you ever not felt free in the Netherlands?
  5. Tell us what you did when someone crossed your boundaries?
  6. Do you believe that protesting against war makes sense?
  7. Do you think there should be borders between countries, and why?
  8. Do you think that the Netherlands should receive refugees from war zones?
  9. What do you think are the causes of most conflicts at school?
  10. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt unsafe at school? Please explain.

Theme: Inclusivity

  1. What words have you ever used (consciously / unconsciously) that hurt someone else?
  2. How do you respond to people who are different from you, whether it’s religion, sexual orientation or something else?
  3. What do you do / can you do to ensure that others feel comfortable in your presence?
  4. Consider a situation where a classmate was bullied. What did you do then?
  5. Have you ever been left out, and how did that feel?
  6. Give a tip to the school on how they can ensure that everyone feels even more at home at school
  7. Have you ever felt like you were not accepted for who you are? If so, what did that do to you?
  8. What do you think about the fact that so many migrants come to the Netherlands, and that there are therefore many cultures?
  9. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your background, skin colour, orientation? Can you briefly explain what happened and how you felt?
  10. How important is it for you to preserve your own culture in a country where more and more cultures are coming? Explain why you think this is so important.

Theme: Media literacy

  1. Do you have your social media accounts set to private or public?
  2. Do you edit your photos before sharing them on social media? Why / why not?
  3. Give an example of a negative effect of social media on you.
  4. Do you think it is important whether you personally know the people who follow you?
  5. How much time do you spend on your phone on average per day?
  6. How do you feel when you don’t have your phone with you?
  7. Have you ever been approached by a stranger online? What did this person want, and what did you do with it?
  8. Do you check whether some messages contain fake news before sharing them?
  9. Do you consider yourself addicted to gaming or social media?
  10. What is the difference between how you appear online and how you are offline?

Theme: Healthy lifestyle

  1. How many hours of sleep do you need to feel good?
  2. How healthy do you feel?
  3. Give one tip to the school to promote a healthy lifestyle for students.
  4. What do you do to stay physically healthy?
  5. Who is your source of inspiration for a healthy lifestyle?
  6. What do you prefer: That you can do everything physically, or that you feel good about yourself mentally?
  7. What do you do to stay mentally healthy?
  8. What is your guilty pleasure when it comes to snacking?
  9. What makes you stressed?
  10. What would you like to give up a night’s sleep for?

Game play

No. We do offer in-game phone support. Being physically present has little added value, since the players will all be at a different location during the game and will still have to call.

From our office we can watch live where all teams are and we have insight into the answers that are given. We can therefore provide very detailed support when a player calls and asks for support.

So no Breakout Bandits game leader will come to your location. This way we keep costs low. You must specify a game leader yourself when booking. That could be yourself or someone else.

See also: What should the game leader do?

The game leader must ensure that:

  • everyone has read the rules beforehand (The game leader receives the rules by email)
  • players are divided in teams
  • all teams start at the same time (The game leader receives a code to start the game by email)

Yes. We offer telephone support during the game. From our office we can watch live where all teams are and we have insight into the answers that are given. We can therefore provide very detailed support when a team calls and asks for support.

The game master receives the phone number immediately after booking the game. The players receive the telephone number together with the game rules. The phone number is also stated in the app, so that players have it immediately at hand while playing the game.

See also: When will we get the rules of the game?

Yes. You will receive all the information in advance to be able to play the game independently. No Breakout Bandits game leader will come to your location. This way we keep costs low. You must specify a game leader yourself when booking. That could be yourself or someone else.

Also look at:

All players will receive an email in advance with an explanation about the game. All the rules are also explained in the app, so that the players can read the rules again just before or during the game.

If you want to view the rules now, click here.

All players will receive an email in advance with an explanation about the game. All the rules are also explained in the app, so that the players can read the rules again just before or during the game.

If you want to view the rules now, click here.

The rules are sent to the game leader after he/she has approved the number of participants. You can approve the number of players via a special link that you receive after booking the game.

See also: How can I see who has completed the questionnaire?

Some groups want to keep it a surprise for the players that they are going to play the game. We therefore ask you to forward the rules to the players yourself. (In case of a surprise, you obviously don’t)

It depends if you choose the 1-hour or 2-hour version. Take into account an extra 15 minutes to start the game, enter the team name and read game rules.

The game itself lasts a little over two hours. Take into account a total of at least two and a half hours, including time to start the game, enter the team name and walk back to the starting location afterwards.

You can decide where you want to start the game and where you want to end it. You can start and end at the same location, but you can also start at location A and end at location B. This way you can also use the game as a fun “walk” to a new location during your event.

After 50 minutes, level 10 becomes visible to everyone. Even if you are not yet at level 10, you can search for the flag at level 10 from that moment on. You will just have less information to find the flag.

After 1 hour and 50 minutes, the editorial meeting starts where the teams have to apply all the information they have collected. They may not yet be on time for the meeting. In that case, they will be given an option to fly to the meeting with a private helicopter. Of course that costs a lot of money, but in this way everyone can play “the final” and every team has a chance to win until the last minute.

After 50 minutes, level 10 becomes visible to everyone. The team that captures the right flag will then be asked a final question. Once a team gets the final question right, that team wins the game. For all other teams, the game is stopped immediately. If two teams grab the flag at the same time and answer the final question correctly, the team with the most points wins.

After 1 hour and 50 minutes, the editorial meeting starts where the teams have to apply all the information they have collected. In this “final”, teams must apply the information they have collected by providing the information they have found to the editors as quickly and as accurately as possible. The team that does this best wins the game.

If you like it, you must arrange an appropriate reward for the winning team yourself. Our experience is that eternal fame is already a nice reward for most winners.

During the game you will walk an average of 2.5 to 3 kilometers in 1 hour. The pace at which this happens depends on the enthusiasm of the group. Of course, teams that walk/run at a high pace have a greater chance of winning.

If you are looking for a game in which speed is less important, book Paparazzi On The Run.

During the game you will walk an average of 3 to 4 kilometers in 2 hours. The teams can walk at a leisurely pace. There is little advantage in running fast during the game.

If you are looking for a game in which speed is important, book Capture The Flag.

No. Not everyone actually needs a smartphone. One smartphone is required per team. However, it is useful if everyone has a smartphone, so that if one smartphone fails, the team can continue with another smartphone.

See also: What should I do if my battery runs out while playing the game?

Yes No problem. Please note that the tablet must have an internet connection.

You can close the app and create a team again. You will then have to choose a new name. You will continue to see the old name in the score list.

If the battery of a phone that a team was playing with runs out, you can do 2 things.

  1. Charge the phone and continue on that phone
  • Leave the phone on
  • Start the Loquiz app
  • Select “Continue last session”
  • The game will now continue where you left off.
  1. Continue the game on another phone

NB! This option is only possible if the internet connection was good during the game and the results were uploaded to the server.

To resume the game with an already existing team:

  • Open the Loquiz app and log in
  • You will then return to the introduction screen
  • Click on “Ok” at the bottom of the screen;
  • Do not create a new team name, but click on “Resume with existing team”;
  • Choose the team you started with and press OK.

The game will now continue where you left off.

Normally, you play Capture The Flag outside. In bad weather, you have the option to play the indoor version of Capture The Flag. You will then play Capture The Flag in an indoor location that you arrange yourself. The indoor version works the same as the outdoor version. The only difference is that in the indoor version, teams have to scan QR codes to go to a new level.

You may decide at the last minute to play the indoor version of the game. Please note that the indoor version requires additional preparation from the game leader. The QR codes must be printed out and hidden. After booking, you will receive further instructions on how to prepare the indoor version.

It’s also an option to postpone the game, that is also an option. You can move the game to a later time free of charge. The only condition we impose is that the content of the game does not have to be changed by us. In practice, colleagues leave and new colleagues join. If you want to reopen the questionnaire to new colleagues and possibly delete answers from old colleagues, you can do so. We then charge an additional 25% of the total price.

As a game leader, you will receive an email with instructions on how to start the game after you’ve given an approval to build the game. Follow the instructions from the email to start the game for all teams.

Players do not necessarily need to be in good shape to play the game. They only need to walk indoors in the location of your choice. The distance depends on how well you hide the QR-codes.

In some exceptional cases, teams get stuck in the game. If you get stuck, take the following steps:

1. Check if other teams are stuck at the same point.

If other teams aren’t stuck where you are, first check what these teams did in the same situation to continue. Maybe you overlooked something essential in the game?

If you’re sure you’ve done the same thing, but you’re stuck while other teams aren’t, then probably your device is the problem. Please proceed to step 2.

If all teams get stuck at exactly the same point, call the helpline immediately.

2. Check the GPS function on your phone

The game requires the phone’s GPS function to function properly. Make sure the GPS function on the phone is turned on properly, and make sure that the Loquiz app is also allowed to use the GPS function. This is asked when you start the Loquiz app. You may have indicated that Loquiz is not allowed to use the GPS function of the phone.

Check whether you can continue now. If this doesn’t work, continue to step 3

3. Restart the Loquiz app

The easiest thing to try next is to restart the Loquiz app.

  • Select “Exit” from the menu
  • Close the Loquiz app again. Make sure that you really close the app and don’t just put it in standby mode.
  • Restart the Loquiz app and choose “Continue last session”
  • The game now picks up where you left off.

Check whether you can continue now. If this doesn’t work, continue to step 4.

4. Continue the game on another phone

If the above options do not work, it may help to continue the game on another phone. Please mind, this option is only possible if the internet connection was good during the game and the results have been uploaded to the server.

To resume the game on another phone, do the following:

  • Select “Exit” from the menu and make sure you are logged off.
  • Open the Loquiz app on another phone and log in. (Use the username “bb<number>” and the password you received from the game leader)
  • You will then return to the introduction screen
  • Click “Ok” at the bottom of the screen;
  • Do not create a new team name, but click on “Resume with existing team”;
  • Choose the team you started with and press OK.
  • The game now picks up where you left off.

Check whether you can continue now. If this doesn’t work, continue to step 5 or repeat step 4 on another phone.

5. Waiting for the final to start

We designed the game so that all teams can play the final, including the teams that are stuck. When the end of the game is in sight, you will automatically be notified to participate in the final. Although you have fallen behind, you can play the final and still have a chance to win.

100% satisfaction guarantee

We can imagine you are very disappointed if you get stuck and nothing helps. We would like to point out our 100% satisfaction guarantee. if you are not satisfied, which you are probably not at this point, you will receive 100% of the costs refunded.


Yes. So, after the game you could go through all the answers during a drink, for example. It will definitely result in a great conversation! You can also go a step further and use the answers to go even deeper into the answers in a team meeting.

The answers can be viewed in 2 ways:

Through the app.
The answers will remain available in the app for a few days.

Through a website.
The link to the website will be sent to all players afterwards. These answers remain permanently available. If you want the data to be deleted, please contact us and we will delete the data at a desired time.

Technical aspects

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