
Team ID (Long)678
Group name (lookup)team 678
HTML Block: intro step 1


In the list below, you see how many players filled in the questionnaire. Please check if the list is complete and if all names are correct. Please contact us if you want to edit or delete a player.

HTML Block: gravity viewYou are not allowed to view this content.
HTML Block: no entries yet

None of the players filled in the questionnaire yet.

Make sure the players received your invitation. You can find the invitation text in the confirmation mail. If you are sure they received it, please come back later and then check who filled in the questionnaire.
Number of days left to fill in the questionnaire-20084
Number of players (filled in questionnaire) – lookup3
Waiting for players-3
Extra players3
HTML Block: Summery – Not expired and waiting for players


  • You ordered a game for players.
  • 3 player(s) filled in the questionnaire.
  • We are waiting for -3 player(s) to fill in the questionnaire.
  • They have -20,084 day(s) left to fill in the questionnaire.
HTML Block: Summery – Not expired and all players filled in questionnaire


  • You ordered a game for players.
  • 3 player(s) filled in the questionnaire.
  • Are you exspecting more players? They have -20,084 day(s) left to fill in the questionnaire.
  • If there will be more then players, you will receive a new invoice for the extra player(s). (10 euro per extra player)
HTML Block: Summery – Not expired and extra players


  • You ordered a game for players.
  • 3 player(s) filled in the questionnaire.
  • 3 extra player(s) filled in the questionnaire.
  • You will receive a new invoice for the extra player(s) (10 euro per extra player).
  • Potential extra players have -20,084 day(s) left to fill in the questionnaire.
HTML Block: Summery – Expired and too few players


  • The questionnaire is closed
  • You ordered a game for players.
  • 3 player(s) filled in the questionnaire.
  • You have to few players to play the game. The minimum is 4 players. Please contact us to discuss the options.
HTML Block: Summery – Expired and waiting for players


  • The questionnaire is closed
  • You ordered a game for players.
  • 3 player(s) filled in the questionnaire.
  • You have -3 players less then you ordered. That’s no problem. We will make a game without the missing players. They can still play the game, but their answers won’t be part of the game.
HTML Block: Summery – Expired and all players filled in questionnaire


  • The questionnaire is closed
  • You ordered a game for players.
  • All player(s) filled in the questionnaire.
HTML Block: Summery – Expired and extra players


  • The questionnaire is closed
  • You ordered a game for players.
  • 3 player(s) filled in the questionnaire.
  • 3 extra player(s) filled in the questionnaire.
  • You will receive a new invoice for the extra player(s). (10 euro per extra player)
HTML Block: FAQ’s


What if someone is too late to fill in the questionnaire?

That person won’t be able to fill in the questionnaire. People who haven’t filled in the questionnaire can still play the game, but their answers won’t be part of the game.

I expect more players then I ordered

Are you expecting more players, because of some last-minute changes? As long as the questionnaire is opened, you can add as many players as you like. We will add the extra players in the game. You will receive a new invoice for the extra players. (10 euro per extra player)

I expect less players then I ordered

Are you expecting less players, because of some last-minute changes? That’s no problem. As long as you have more then 4 players you can play the game. Please give us a call or send an e-mail if you would like to receive a new invoice with a reduced number of players.

Already confirmed? (lookup)0
HTML Block: already confirmed
You already confirmed the game. You can still check all the info, but you cannot change anything any more. If you have some urgent changes, please contact us.
Is the list of players complete?Yes
HTML Block: please wait
Please confirm the names of the players who filled in the questionnaire first in step 3.
HTML Block: alert new time – inform players yourself
Please contact us so we can check if the new date/time is available, before you confirm the game.
HTML Block: FAQ’s


What if circumstances prevent us from playing the game? Can I still play it later?

If for some reason you are not able to play the game at all, the game will remain available for one year so that you can play it at another time.