Groeiend aantal jongeren ervaart psychische klachten, stress en eenzaamheid.


At Breakout Bandits we want to work on a solution for 2 problems that we see in the Netherlands:

  1. A growing number of young people experience psychological complaints, stress and loneliness.
  2. There are only a few reintegration workplaces for theoretically trained, creative young people



Growing number of young people experience psychological complaints, stress and loneliness

In the Netherlands, a growing number of young people and young adults are dealing with various psychological and social-emotional problems. The CBS Youth Health Monitor 2023 shows that a large part of this group is dealing with psychological complaints (32.9%), stress (50.3%) and loneliness (31.9%). The percentages mentioned are from Lansingerland, where Breakout Bandits is located. They are above the national average.

According to CBS and a youth organization such as Youth For Christ, the pressure to perform at school and in daily life is increasing, which leads to feelings of powerlessness and low self-esteem. Many young people feel unheard and experience a lack of real social support and connection. This affects their mental health and well-being, and contributes to problems such as early school leaving and home absence, unemployment and social exclusion, leaving them at home without any prospects.

Only a Few reintegration workplaces for theoretically trained, creative young people

There are many initiatives for young people who are stuck, but they often focus on practical and therapeutic help, such as youth care and reintegration programs. In short, it mainly comes down to a lot of talking about problems, but that there is little room for a more holistic approach, in which β€œbeing busy together” and a good conversation form the basis of recovery.

If such places do exist, they are often places that are more focused on young people with a lower intellectual level and are not focused on reintegration into society. Think of care farms or social workshops. However, there are few workplaces for young people who need some extra guidance and where they are simultaneously given a more creative and/or intellectual challenge.

Our approach

Read more about how we are going to make games ourselves with young people who play games all day long.